Purchaser Name (as per passport)
Residency Status
—Please choose an option—Australian CitizenPermanent ResidencyForeign Resident
If You Have Another Purchaser, Please Select "Yes"..
Are you a first Home Buyer ?
—Please choose an option—YesNo
Are you Investor ?
Will the property you are purchasing Yes No is it your Principal Place of Resident (Owner Occupied) ?
Do you have concession card ?
—Please choose an option—Sole ProprietorJoint Tenants (Owners) (Eg: Husband and Wife)Tenants (Owners in common in Equal Shares) (This is a preferred method of ownership in commercial or investment situation on death of shareholder, his interest in property forms part of deceased's estate and will be distributed in accordance with the deceased "Will")Tenants (Owners) in common in UNEQUAL SHARES (This is the same principal as above the only difference being how many shares you own in property such as 60:40 or 30:70 or 90:10. Before you decide your shares, we recommend to speak with your accountant. )
If Tenants in common in uncommon shares, please advise the share to be held by purchaser.
Purchaser One: Share%
Purchaser Two: Share%
—Please choose an option—NoFrom BankFrom Broker
Who is your Banker?
Bank Name
Name of the Banker
Who is your Broker?
Name of the Broker
Company Name
Property Type
—Please choose an option—HouseVacant LandUnitApartmentCommercial
Signature :