Stamp Duty Taxation

Stamp Duty Tax is payable upon transfer of ownership of an asset between two or more parties. A stamp duty assessment is required when transferring ownership between related parties or where property is being transferred into a superannuation fund or various other trusts and legal entities.

The stamp duty tax is then payable based on the valuation report provided by a registered valuer. Often a property is sold between related parties and is significantly below market value in which case you will need to have a stamp duty valuation to determine market value.

Stamp duty valuation reports contain information on the physical attributes of the property, current market sales evidence and professional interpretation and valuation rationale.

Why Choose KP Conveyancing for Your Stamp Duty Assessment & Refunds?

Stamp duty is one of the most important taxes you will be borne. Therefore, an accurate assessment and valuation is the need of hour to make sure you do not pay more tax than you need to. At KP Conveyancing, we conduct stamp duty assessment for a host of clients including solicitors, industries and trust entities.

Stamp Duty Refunds

While buying a property if you have paid the full stamp duty, you may be eligible for tax exemption. In such cases KP Conveyancing will help you claim your stamp duty back from State Revenue Office. We can also prepare the necessary documentation from Land Victoria office on your behalf.

Our Stamp Duty professionals are experienced in providing stamp duty assessment & valuations for the office of state revenue and have access to the proper property research databases that enables us to find the most relevant market sales for stamp duty purposes.

Contact us for more information.